Visual Media


    96-AD-860 Saint Seiya Movie 3, Cantonese version
    - Very Poor Quality!! Offical VCD that came out in Hong Kong, distributed by Asia Video Publishing Co. LTD, licensed by
    Edko Video, LTD.


    I used to own fake video tapes. One of the first things I bought of Saint Seiya, Movie 1,4 is just a simple dub done by anime shops. A lot of them of animes existed then. Movie 2 is a taiwan tape, looks better of course. I taped Movie 3 when it was broadcasted on TVB in 93, it is the same version as the one in the theater. A LD of that also exist, cost about $100HK.


    For a long time, Seiya VCD/DVDs were all fakes but since then, the official companies has released them for real.

    TV Series
     - Sanctuary 25 VCDs
     - Asgard 9 VCDs
     - Poseidon 5 VCDs

    4 Movies
    - dub from the LDs

    Varioius Anime OP+ED
     - Sancuary+Poseidon


Usual Fake

    4 Movies
     - It is fake, but damn good quality! Too bad they don't dub everything. They have more than enough room. That thing can
     fit up to 240 minutes. My uncle owns the version where you can choose English and Chinese subtitles but he tells me its
     picture quality is really not as good as mine. I rather have mine.

    Hades OVA, TVB Ver.
     - I own the first fakes that dub from the cable broadcast, playing them with my Denon amplifier with Dobly Digital Pro 2
     decorder really gives the epsiodes a real kick!
     - I also own another set with from TVB. It has the Japanese+Chinese dub with Chinese sub

    Hades Digest Gold Saints Myths Resurrected 2 DVD Set
     - They dub it from the real thing but they didn't dub everything. The special visuals on Disk two they don't have. Again
     playing these with my Denon, is just awesome!! Image nice and clear!

    Heaven Chapter introduction ~ Overture ~
     - They dub it from the real thing even included the special show on Saint Seiya with trailer. It would have been cool
     if they dub the commentary too, but that's asking too much for a fake disk. : )

    Hades Inferno
     - Precede Chapter: Vol 1-3
    -  Succeed Chapter: Vol 1-3, Vol 2 couldn't play... : (

    Complete TV Series DVD Set
     - It dubs from the old videos and the New DVDs set. The cool thing is for Episode 99-114, it actually contains the dub
     from the HK version. I couldn't believe it. The episodes that dub from the New Japanese DVD set has really good image
     quailty. :)

Great Fake

    Lost Canvas 1st Season
     - from "Shin Ten Ha". The quality and content is the same as the real deal! I'm so happy!! :D

Really Fake

    Hades Inferno+Elysion
     - They just ripped from the offical HK release that has the J+Chinese dub, Chinese subs and burned it. The Chinese dubs
     are those Weak-ass voice actors not the TVB guys. In it a way it's very fitting. Weak-ass animation, Weak-ass Japanese
     and Chinese voice actors, Weak-ass writing! Buying the fakes are worth the money. The real stuff. I'll never pay a cent
     for it!!


Great Fake

    4 Movies
     - Eris to Lucifer! OMG! The image is freaking clear and awesome! Sound is great too!! :D

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