My Policy
  First, please feel free to download and do what ever to my pictures and text in private use. They are there for you to enjoy. That is what the pages are created for.... 

But let me spell out: every picture every scan used in Mu's Corner has been scanned, snapped by me. Every translation has been done by me. I purposely *did not* use any other pictures in other webpages to be *original*. Originality is one of the biggest reasons I did these webpages. [At the time I did them, a lot of the info never existed or not much was on the web.] It took me alot of time to scan and snap them. So please consider all this while you look at my website and before you considering stealing any material.  Imagine how much time, I had to Scan, to Snap, to Translate to make up all these Webpages that is Mu's Corner. Let's not forget the time I had to *make* the webpages. [The Game Guides page for example, I had to play the games again(not that I don't love playing them :) and take every snap shot while I am playing it!!!!] I did these Webpages because I wanted to share the information. I think every Seiya fan should get to see all this, that is the reason I translated the SD Seiyas into English so that all fans can enjoy them. Please be considerate......

The Zeus Chapter:

  *Nothing* here can be duplicated in any way shape or form on another web page.  I do not grant permission.

The Saint Seiya Side Story Web Page:

  Everything here can not be duplicated in any shape or form. I do not grant permission.

The Saint Seiya Doujinshi Page:

  SD Seiyas can be mirrored,  just include a link to Mu's Corner. Tell me so I can link to your web page :) All the other pictures and text can not be dupicated in any way shape or form. I do not grant permssion.

The Saint Seiya Info Page:

You can inlcude my translations of songs in your page just give me credit for translating them and a link to Mu's Corner.  Nothing else can be dupicated in any way shape or form. I do not grant permssion.

The Saint Seiya Picture Gallery Web Page:

  I grant permission for all pictures here to be used on your web page, but you must do something similar to this "The following pictures are from Mu's Corner, 'link to Mu's Corner' " No link, no use. (A very simple policy :)

The Saint Seiya Game Guide Web Page:

  *Nothing* here can be duplicated in any way shape or form on another web page.  I do not grant permission.

These rules are to protect the integrity of my webpages.


Page created October 3, 1997